Thursday, October 30, 2008

Scary Skull Table Illusion

As you first look at this optical illusion, you will instantly see a skull staring you in the eye. But after closer examination you'll realize that it is actually just a few victorian women spacing wine glasses on a table, with a round mirror in the background.

They must have been fairly bored before the invetion of the internet and the creation of optical illusion web sites!

Optical Illusion Tattoos

In nature, we see the butterfly that has large black dots that look like eyes. And Caterpillars and other insects that appear as if their eyes are big and black, but in fact, they are just a distractionary technique to fool hungry predators. This man has taken it to a new extreme... In order for people to stop talking to him he has tatooed a face on the back of his head! I don't think this is just marker ladies and gentelmen!
The first is the best... is this guys arm sewn back on like Frankenstein? Nope, it's just a nicely done tatoo that is just an illusion, my friends! What a great idea for a tattoo! 
I guess everyone is entitled to carrying around some protection, right? Just don't go rob a liquor store! 
Hopefully these give you some ideas for creating your own unique tatoo. The kind of tatoo that people will use to start up a conversation with you!

Dragon Face Optical Illusion Art

At first, your mind will usually recognize the face in this optical illusion painting, but if you look at the woman's hair, you'll see that it's alive with another woman on a horse fighting a fire-breathing dragon. Do you see anything else happening in this opticial illusion art painting?

How many shelves to do you see?

How many shelves do you see in this eye trick picture? Look to the right and you'll see three shelves, look to the left and you'll see four shelves! So where are you going to put your pictures?

Say the colors brain teaser

This is quite a tough brain teaser. As quickly as you can, say the COLOR of each word above. Don't just read the colors, say the actual color that the word is typed in. It demonstrates a conflict between your left brain - words and your right brain - colors and creativity. After practicing a few times it gets easier!

How many faces?

How many faces?

Take a very close look at this image!

How many faces can you find in this picture?

After personaly looking for 10 minutes, I found 15. 
Did you find more? 

How many faces?
Take a very close look at this image! How many faces can you find in this picture?

Landscape Of Faces Illusion

Landscape Of Faces Illusion

Do You See A Landscape of Faces?

There are quite a bit. See how many you can count. 

Landscape Of Faces Illusion
Do You See A Landscape of Faces? There are quite a bit. See how many you can count.

Albert Einstein Marilyn Monroe Illusion

Albert Einstein Marilyn Monroe Illusion

When you look at this picture close range you see Albert Einstein.

Now stand up and take several steps back, roughly 15 feet away,

It will become... Marilyn Monroe

Albert Einstein Marilyn Monroe Illusion
When you look at this picture close range you see Albert Einstein. Now stand up and take several steps back, roughly 15 feet away, It will become Marilyn Monroe.

Incredible Hand Art animal part

Artist: Guido Daniele
Body Paintings © Guido Daniele

Double Picture Illusion

Double Picture Illusion

Look carefuly at this picture, what do you see?

After you make your decision, scroll down for an explanation.

You saw a couple in an intimate love position, right?

Interestingly, research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario.

What they will see, however, is nine (small & black) dolphins in the picture!

So, I guess we've already proven you're not a young innocent child. Now, if it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 6 seconds, your mind is SO corrupted that you probably need help!

OK, here's help: look at the space between her right arm and her head, the tail is on her neck, follow it up. Look at her left hip, follow the shaded part down, it's another one, and on his shoulder..

Double Picture Illusion
A double picture illusion which results in different things for different people.